Project meeting of STEP at the site of the company ATS - Agro Trading & Solutions in Hardegsen (Photo: DBFZ)

Biomass furnace

Project ID 03KB051

KATII - Emission reduction by means of integrated and combined activities/measures in small scale biomass combustions

Combustion chamber (Photo: OEKOTHERM)


  • 01.01.2011 – 30.06.2014


DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH
Torgauer Straße 116
04347 Leipzig

Dr. Ingo Hartmann – project coordinator
Telephone: +49(0) 341 2434 541

Christian Thiel – direct contact person
Telephone: +49(0) 341 2434 732

René Bindig
Telephone: +49(0)341 2434-746

Mirjam Müller


03KB051B - A.P. Bioenergietechnik GmbH
03KB051C - Spartherm Feuerungstechnik GmbH
03KB051D - Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus – Senftenberg
03KB051E - Karlsruhe University of Applied Science

Associated partners

Cooperation partners



Results only available in German.


In conjunction with the integrated and primary measures to reduce the emissions on selected biomass combustion plants some different technologies will be combined and afterwards demonstrated on the prototypes of the manufacturers. The main scientific and technical goals of the joint research project regarding small scale biomass combustions could be summarized by two categories. First, the research and optimization of prime reduction measures through a continuous combustion control. And second, the development of integrated and combined emission reduction measures through the linked application of catalysts and the use of an electrostatic precipitator. In this connection two principles to reduce emissions are put into focus. On the one hand a downstream emission reduction module and a continuous combustion control for a high-quality stove (SRFF*) will be developed. And on the other hand an integrated emission reduction module for a state-of-the-art biomass combustion plant (MFC*) will be designed.


The cooperative project has the goal to develop integrated and combined measures to reduce the emissions from biomass combustions. For that reason the different methods of purifying exhaust gas will be combined and a new combustion control will be implemented. These developments up to the level of prototypes are supposed to provide a sustainable heat supply within the low and medium power range. Furthermore an environmental and climate-friendly combustion of carbon dioxide neutral and natural biomass could be ensured. That way the ecological use of regional solid biomass in small scale combustion plants can be improved and guaranteed. In the end it is important to achieve the goals of climate protection but also to concentrate the existing know-how of all project partners for scientific and economic application.



In addition to project coordination the second point of interest are test stand measurements at the DBFZ and the experimental studies, regarding possible (reasonable) combinations of electrostatics and catalysis. The center of attention lies mainly with the selection and adaption of catalysts with respect to various impact and mitigation options. By means of this knowledge and in close cooperation with the manufacturers of the combustion plants a concept to integrate the combinations in both types of combustion will be established. Also an optimized control concept with an improved air grading for the multifuel combustion (MFC*) provided by the company “A.P. Bioenergietechnik” will be worked out at the DBFZ. The main focus of attention here is the primary-side combustion optimization. Another special question the DBFZ is engaged in concentrates on the evaluation of the obtained measurement data. In this connection the main subjects are the optimization of the control algorithms and also the development of an optimization strategy respecting the prototypes. 

1st Work Package: Theoretical and Experimental Development

The goal of this first work package is the adjustment of significant catalysts as well as the further development of electrostatic precipitation according to the requirements set by the two types of small scale combustion plant (MFC* and SRFF**). Another important part of the package is to determine the optimal way of combination of electrostatics and catalysis in both plants (considering both the spatial and geometrical arrangement) but also to establish an optimized control concept.

2nd Work Package: Optimization and Adjustment

The different modules (catalyst, electrostatics) will be optimized according to the requirements of the particular combustion plant. Therefore the altered / modified combustion plants are studied at a test bench.

3rd Work Package: Demonstration

Tests Part of the third work package is to provide initial developing plants for both types of combustion. As phase I of the demonstration tests, the sustainability for daily use of these plants is going to be evaluated and verified in the heating period 2011/12. Through the gained results a further potential of optimization will be shown providing the foundation for the future construction of prototypes.

4th Work Package: Construction of Prototypes

This work package has the goal to design and build prototypes but also to proof their sustainability in daily use. The former obtained results from the field tests of the demonstration test (phase I) will contribute to the design (procedural dimensioning and construction) of the prototypes. 

*) multifuel combustion (MFC)

**) single room fire facility (SRFF)



  • Catalytic flue gas treatment
  • Electrostatic dust removal
  • Sensor systems and combustion control
  • Demonstration test


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