Method Handbook

Type Buch
Date 2015
Language Englisch

Method Handbook

Method Handbook: Material flow-oriented assessment of greenhouse gas effects: Methods for determination of technology indicators levelized costs of energy, and greenhouse gas effects of projects in the funding programme "Biomass energy use"
Cover: Method Handbook: Material flow-oriented assessment of greenhouse gas effects: Methods for determination of technology indicators levelized costs of energy, and greenhouse gas effects of projects in the funding programme "Biomass energy use"
Thrän, Daniela; Ciroth, Andreas; Zschunke, Tobias; Fritsche, Uwe; Hennenberg, Klaus; Gödeke, Katja, 2015 , Method Handbook: Material flow-oriented assessment of greenhouse gas effects: Methods for determination of technology indicators levelized costs of energy, and greenhouse gas effects of projects in the funding programme "Biomass energy use" , DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH, Leipzig, Deutschland, ISBN: 978-3-946629-58-0, ISSN: 2364-897X,